Designer from Finland.

Design, Value, Impact.

My name is Sami, and I am a business oriented designer from Finland. My goal is to help you to understand the value and impact design will have in creating a more sustainable and prosperous future.

About me

My career in the field of design and human-computer interaction started in 2009. I have been working in various roles from university research assistant to project manager and from user interface designer to design lead. The past six years I have been mostly acting as a design lead; first for Insta Response and later for Insta Digital.

I'm a self-driven design generalist with solid theoretical knowledge and practical skills that allow me to handle the design process with a "whatever it takes" mentality. I can lead projects from a strategic and operative point of view, contribute meaningfully to the research to glean insights, take part in concepting from interaction design to visual design as well as carry out the concept validation. I like to take part in sales, too, and I'm no stranger to front-end technologies either.

Facilitating collaboration and design sprints are my specialty. During my years as a designer, I've started to notice a pattern where facilitating a design approach already in the sales phase enables and unlocks the true potential and value of design. After all, design and sales (done right) share the common goal of helping the customer to gain value.

I work the best in a setting that allows me to explore our team's challenges freely in trusting and seamless collaboration with my team. I believe in sharing information and low/no levels of hierarchy.

If this resonates with you, don't hesitate to contact me by email or on LinkedIn.